Thursday, December 27, 2012

End of Year Update

Clematis Know has come home from K. C Bunnyborough Medical Centre after the premature birth of her twins, Herb and Hebe.  She is delighted to see the nursery, (another egg shell next to her egg shell house) that Mr Know and the other male rabbits helped move and set up.  Mrs Know has come home without the twins because they still need special care even though they are not now in the incubator.

The concern at the moment is that the twins have no fur! Nurse Emily sent a DNA sample to Sylvanian to find out why the twin’s fur hasn’t grown and the reply from Sylvanian was that they don’t have and Sylvanian heritage so they can’t give any help to solve the reason why they have no fur.
 Mr Kiwi is working on making another formula that will encourage fur growth.  Nurse Emily is very pleased with the weight gain of the twins and has told Clematis that she can take them home in a few days if the weather stays warm.

Mrs Know has gone back to teaching at the school.  There is no need for her to visit the twins at the Medical Centre and stay all day.  Mrs Know loves her teaching job and Mr Know who was the relieving teacher for her while she was in hospital, is so pleased he can now go back to managing the problems… or the new situations that arise, because there are very few problems  at K. C. Bunnyborough.

Mrs Know announces this morning to her class that her twins are leaving the Medical Centre today and will going home with her and Mr Know. Mr Know is going to pick up the twins and bring them to the school just before finishing time so the young rabbits can see them.


Mrs Know tells the young rabbits that the twins haven’t got their fur yet so that they don’t get a shock when they see them.  Mr Know arrives five minutes before school closes for the day and the class of rabbits surround the twins and think they are beautiful.

Mr Know and the committee had a meeting and gave their approval for Mr Dot to stay and set up a Pizza Parlour and sell pizzas.

School has finished for the year and Mr and Mrs Know weren’t able to organise an end of year celebration. So a celebration is organised to be held outside Mr Chocolate’s house for all of the residents of K. C. Bunnyborough.

 Mr Dot has temporally set up his Pizza stand next door to Mr Chocolate’s house and will have pizzas available for free for the end of year celebration. It will also be an opportunity for the community to meet Herb and Hebe Know.

What a wonderful end of year function it was with free pizzas and Mr Chocolate provided yummy iced donuts and a huge chocolate cake and the rabbits were able to met the twins.

The male rabbits have gathered together to talk about what they would like to see happen  next year.Mr and Mrs White have not attended because Gwenda has a cold and they don’t want to give the cold to the twins.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Mr and Mrs Know's Twins

The next morning Dr Kiwi and Mr Kiwi call in to K. C. Bunnyborough Medical Centre to examine Mr and Mrs Know’s twins that were born prematurely last night. Dr Kiwi tells Mr and Mrs Know that the best care will be given to them, (the twins are the first premature rabbits born at K. C. Medical Centre) and highly commends Nurse Emily.

Mr Kiwi tells Mrs Know that he is going to put together a special vitamin liquid mixture that will be just right for the twins to take and he will deliver it in a few days to K. C. Bunnyborough Medical Centre.

  Mr Know goes to school the next morning as the relieving teacher and tells the rabbits about the twins’ birth.The room of rabbits all want to visit K. C. Bunnyborough Medical Centre and Mr Know has to tell them that the twins can’t have visitors yet but when they are older Mrs Know will bring them to the school for a visit.He also tells them that there will be no school for the rest of the week because he has to go and buy some nursery furniture for the twins.
After school finishes Mr Know hops to K. C. Bunnyborough Medical Centre to visit his wife and twins. There are flowers everywhere! All the K. C. Bunnyborough residents have sent her flowers. Grandmother Cottontail has given Mrs Know a Sylvanian catalogue so she can choose the nursery furniture she wants for her twins. Mrs Know asks Mr Know, “How are we going to fit the nursery furniture into our moa egg home?” Mr Know tells Mrs Know not to worry he will do something about it tomorrow. They both look at their adorable baby twins in the incubator with love and Mr Know stays the night again at K. C. Bunnyborough Medical Centre.

Mr Know leaves in the morning to go home and thinks about how he going to organise a nursery at home.He has an idea and off he hops to put his idea into action.

 He calls the male rabbits to meet at twin trunks and asks for their help to put the new nursery in place ready for when Mrs Know comes home. They congratulate Mr Know on the birth of the twins and all offers to help him with his new nursery idea.

They start helping by putting a firm floor down when Grandfather Cottontail says he can see Mr Know arriving with a smaller moa egg.

This will be the twin's nursery.

The rabbits hop over and help Mr Know roll the moa egg onto the the foundation and turn it upright. "Wow, this looks good!" exclaims Grandfather Cottontail. Mr Know thanks them for their help and invites them inside for a drink before they go home.

The next morning the nursery furniture arrives that Mrs Know has ordered and Mr Know sets it up, (but he has a piece that he dosen't know what it is), in the smaller moa egg. What a lovely surprise for Mrs Know when she comes home.








Sunday, September 16, 2012

The New Arrivals

This is part two of Mr Dot Arrives at K. C. Bunnyborough

The next day at school Mrs Know tells the class that she is pregnant and when her baby rabbit is born Mr Know will be the relieving teacher for a month and then she will resume her teaching duties.

That night after tea Mrs Know tells Mr Know that she feels tired and is going to bed early.  Mr Know scratches his ears in wonder as he too is tired and his thoughts have been on the news they received yesterday about the expectant baby rabbit which is due in a few weeks’ time.


During the night Clematis tosses and turns in bed and Mr Know is getting worried.  He hasn’t been an expectant father before and just doesn’t know what to expect.  Clematis lets out a dull groan and says I think the baby is coming. 
Mr Know jumps out of bed and says he will take her to K. C. Bunnyborough Medical Centre. He asks if she will be able to get on the bike to be taken. She groans again and says no. Mr Know says he will go and borrow Grandfather Cottontail’s car to take her.


Mr Know hops to Grandfather Cottontail’s caravan and asks him if he can borrow his car to take Clematis to K. C. Bunnyborough Medical Centre. Grandfather Cottontail looks at the state he is in and says he will drive them to K. C. Bunnyborough Medical Centre. Grandmother Cottontail offers to come also to be a support to Clematis but Grandfather Cottontail tells her to say home and that she will be a help when Clematis comes home.


When Mr Know and Grandfather Cottontail arrive at Mr Knows home they carry Clematis to the car and put her on the back seat of the car to take her to K. C. Bunnyborough Medical Centre. 

Nurse Emily is waiting for them when they arrive because word has reached her that they are coming. She is concerned at Clematis's state because it is too early for the baby to be born yet!

They carry her inside and Nurse Emily tells Mr Know and Grandfather Cottontail to wait in the ward, (there are no rabbits in the ward at the moment), while she examines Clematis in the consulting room.Mr Know loves Clematis very much  and is anxious  as he  paces up and down the ward waiting for Nurse Emily to come out of the consultant room.

Fifty-five minutes later Grandfather Cottontail is trying to get him to sit down when Nurse Emily comes in and tells Mr Know he is now the father to twins, a baby male and female. 

The baby rabbits are premature and have to have oxygen so they will be in an incubator to help them breathe and  free from germs and keep them warm because they haven’t got any fur.
Mr Know goes over and gives Mrs Know a big cuddle and kiss now that he is allowed in the room after the birth of their twins. 
 They are in awe of their dear little rabbit twins that have just been born. 
Nurse Emily has invited Mr Know to stay the night to be supportive to Mrs Know and they can be close to their twins. 

Grandfather Cottontail congratulates Mr and Mrs Know on the birth of their twins and says farewell  before he leaves to drive home to his caravan.



Sunday, September 9, 2012

Mr Dot Arrives at K. C. Bunnyborough

Mr Dot is feeling very happy as he pedals towards K. C. Bunnyborough.  He enjoyed meeting Dental Nurse Flo and Rosemary yesterday and to hear that his daughter, Ingrid, is living at K. C. Bunnyborough. The news gave him peace to know she is safe.

Mr Dot is thinking about having a break when he sees what looks like the top part of an egg on the ground in the distance.  He decides to pedal towards it and stop there for a break.  Mr Dot sees an arched hole in the egg so he gets off his bike and hops over to have a closer look.


Inside the moa egg shell house Mr Know is making a cup of tea when he hears a noise outside.  He gets up to investigate and he sees Mr Dot at the doorway of his home.  Mr Dot introduces himself and tells Mr Know he is going to K. C. Bunnyborough to find his daughter. Mr Know invites him to sit down and have a cup of tea with him. 

Mr Know tells Mr Dot he is on the residents committee of K. C. Bunnyborough and that he will be leaving soon to go and pick up his wife from K. C. Bunnyborough School.  He tells Mr Dot that he can follow him to K. C. Bunnyborough and he will introduce him to Mr and Mrs Grayson where he will be able to stay a few nights while he makes his decision whether he wants to stay as a resident of K. C. Bunnyborough.

 Mr Dot accepts the offer to follow Mr Know to Mr and Mrs Grayson home. When they arrive at Mr and Mrs Grayson's home Mr Know introduces Mr Dot to them and he leaves and goes and picks up his wife, Clematis, from the school.They are going to K. C. Bunnyborough Medical Centre before they go home because the result of Clematis's test has arrived.

  Nurse Emily invites them in so she can tell Clematis that the result of her test is positive… she is pregnant! “What!”exclaims Clematis as she faints with shock.  The news causes Mr Know to start shaking.  Even though they have been married for about six months the possibility of them having any babies was far from their minds because they both thought they were too old.  Mr Know in human years is over 50 years old and Clematis is over 40 years old.

 They go home, still in a daze. They talk late into the night of how an addition to the family will be a challenge to them both and happily fall asleep.

Ingrid comes home from school and sees her father’s bike outside the Grayson home. She hops up the steps apprehensive to her father’s reaction to see her again because she did run away from home with her boyfriend.
Ingrid’s father is so happy to see her he gives her a big hug and all is forgiven. He tells her he wants to apply to the K. C. Bunnyborough committee to set up a Pizza Parlour here.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Quotes 2012

Time and tide wait for no man.

Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we see.  Hebrews 11:1

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Dental Nurse Flo Visits Country Areas

Dental Nurse Flo is going to travel to three country areas to check the local rabbit’s teeth.  Dental Nurse Flo has asked Rosemary to accompany her.  They will be away for three nights and will be travelling north.  

Strawberry the pony is hitched to the cart ready to  take them.   Strawberry is looking forward to the trip. She is the only pony at Kowhai Corner Bunnyborough so she is hoping to meet another pony while travelling. Nurse Emily tells Dental Nurse Flo she will miss them but it is necessary for Dental Nurse Flo to visit the country rabbits because they will not come into K. C. Bunnyborough because they still live underground.

After travelling all day Dental Nurse Flo says to Rosemary that they will find a suitable place to stop and stay the night. When they select a suitable place Rosemary unhitches Strawberry from the cart and Dental Nurse Flo cooks carrot soup on an open fire. It is a nice starry night so they decide to sleep on the ground.

Early the next morning, while they are still in their sleeping bags, two local rabbits have hopped by to give them some food. The two local rabbits tell Dental Nurse Flo that the rabbits in this area are hopping around gathering together and will arrive soon.

Dental Nurse Flo and Rosemary jump out of their sleeping bags and get ready in time to be able to check all their teeth.  Rosemary tries to keep them in line while they wait their turn.  Strawberry hasn’t seen so many coloured rabbits before.

Later in the afternoon after Dental Flo had checked the last rabbit’s teeth they pack up and hitch Strawberry to the cart to go to another area.  After travelling for a couple of hours Strawberry quickened her pace because in the distance she can see Mr and Mrs Cottontail’s caravan.

Mr and Mrs Cottontail invite Dental Nurse Flo and Rosemary in for the evening meal and to stay the night in the caravan with them.  They accept their kind hospitality and they talk together late into the night.

In the morning they are awoken by Strawberry’s neighing.  Rosemary looks out the window and there is a line of rabbits waiting to see Dental Nurse Flo.At the end of another successful day Dental Nurse Flo and Rosemary thank Mr and Mrs Cottontail for their kindness and tell them they must continue to travel north to another area.

They have been travelling for three hours when they pulled over for the night. Before they had time to unload the cart they saw a rabbit on a bike approaching them.  He  introduced himself as Mr Dot and told them he is looking for his daughter, Ingrid, who ran away from home a few months ago.  Dental Nurse Flo tells him she examined Ingrid’s teeth recently and Ingrid is staying at K. C. Bunnyborough. “Oh!” he exclaims excitedly, “That's the place I want to go to, to set up a Pizza Parlour.”

Mr Dot shares his pizzas from his bag for their evening meal and says he will stay the night next to them and bike to K. C. Bunnyborough in the morning.

In the morning  a group of rabbits are waiting to have their teeth checked.  Mr Dot farewells Dental Nurse Flo and Rosemary and starts to biking to K. C. Bunnyborough.  Dental Nurse Flo and Rosemary are ready to leave in the afternoon but can’t see Strawberry.  They call Strawberry and she answers with a neigh and they also hear another neigh. 

Rosemary looks behind the tree and sees Strawberry talking to a My Little Pony. Strawberry comes back to the cart where she is hitched up and they leave to go back to K. C. B. Medical Centre.  It was a sucessful trip to check the country rabbit’s teeth and Strawberry is happy too!