Sunday, October 14, 2012

Mr and Mrs Know's Twins

The next morning Dr Kiwi and Mr Kiwi call in to K. C. Bunnyborough Medical Centre to examine Mr and Mrs Know’s twins that were born prematurely last night. Dr Kiwi tells Mr and Mrs Know that the best care will be given to them, (the twins are the first premature rabbits born at K. C. Medical Centre) and highly commends Nurse Emily.

Mr Kiwi tells Mrs Know that he is going to put together a special vitamin liquid mixture that will be just right for the twins to take and he will deliver it in a few days to K. C. Bunnyborough Medical Centre.

  Mr Know goes to school the next morning as the relieving teacher and tells the rabbits about the twins’ birth.The room of rabbits all want to visit K. C. Bunnyborough Medical Centre and Mr Know has to tell them that the twins can’t have visitors yet but when they are older Mrs Know will bring them to the school for a visit.He also tells them that there will be no school for the rest of the week because he has to go and buy some nursery furniture for the twins.
After school finishes Mr Know hops to K. C. Bunnyborough Medical Centre to visit his wife and twins. There are flowers everywhere! All the K. C. Bunnyborough residents have sent her flowers. Grandmother Cottontail has given Mrs Know a Sylvanian catalogue so she can choose the nursery furniture she wants for her twins. Mrs Know asks Mr Know, “How are we going to fit the nursery furniture into our moa egg home?” Mr Know tells Mrs Know not to worry he will do something about it tomorrow. They both look at their adorable baby twins in the incubator with love and Mr Know stays the night again at K. C. Bunnyborough Medical Centre.

Mr Know leaves in the morning to go home and thinks about how he going to organise a nursery at home.He has an idea and off he hops to put his idea into action.

 He calls the male rabbits to meet at twin trunks and asks for their help to put the new nursery in place ready for when Mrs Know comes home. They congratulate Mr Know on the birth of the twins and all offers to help him with his new nursery idea.

They start helping by putting a firm floor down when Grandfather Cottontail says he can see Mr Know arriving with a smaller moa egg.

This will be the twin's nursery.

The rabbits hop over and help Mr Know roll the moa egg onto the the foundation and turn it upright. "Wow, this looks good!" exclaims Grandfather Cottontail. Mr Know thanks them for their help and invites them inside for a drink before they go home.

The next morning the nursery furniture arrives that Mrs Know has ordered and Mr Know sets it up, (but he has a piece that he dosen't know what it is), in the smaller moa egg. What a lovely surprise for Mrs Know when she comes home.