Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Bell Tower

The green butterfly lives by K. C. Bunnyborough and has watched with interest how the rabbit community has developed and is managed by the rabbit committee. 

The green butterfly flies to the Northern Hemisphere in the winter and meets up with other butterflies in the area she was born. One afternoon while she was in the Northern Hemisphere she was flying across a field when she noticed a bell tower discarded on its side on the ground.  There was no one around or any  building nearby. She flew down to have a closer inspection and recognised that the bell tower was from Sylvania. She fluttered her wings and thought this would be  appreciated at K. C. Bunnyborough School.  She has seen Mrs Know ring the hand bell during the day. 
The green butterfly goes and finds her friend the spider and asks him to weave a web around the bell tower so she can pick it up with her feet and fly back to K. C. Bunnyborough School.


 The spider spins his web tightly around the bell tower for the green butterfly and when he has finished the web tells the green butterfly it will be strong enough for her to hold onto with her feet while she flies back to K. C. Bunnyborough  School in New Zealand! She thanks the spider and flies away carrying the bell tower with her feet.


Ten days later at K. C. Bunnyborough School Mrs Know is tiding up in the school room, after the young rabbits have gone home after a  happy day at school, when she hears a plop!



Mrs Know turns around and sees a bell tower on the school front lawn! The green butterfly flutters over to Mrs Know, who has come outside to have a closer look, to tell her that this is a gift for the school.  Mrs Know is very surprised to receive such a gift and tells the green butterfly that Mr Know, with helpers will set the bell tower up so it can be used. The green butterfly tells Mrs Know that she is going back to the warm Northern Hemisphere and will be back in the spring to see how the bell tower is set up and flies away.


Mrs Know hops home and tells Mr Know about the bell tower that the green butterfly has given the school.  Mr Know asks the fantail to go and tell the adult male rabbits to meet at the school in an hour's time to decide how and where to set up the bell tower.

An hour later the male rabbits arrive at K. C. Bunnyborough School.

They discuss how they are going set up the new bell for the school to use.  Terry Tan tells the other rabbits where there is a newly cut tree that has had the bark taken off.  The other rabbits are interested to see the processed tree trunk  because it sounds just right to use. Terry Tan has offered to deliver it to the school early the next morning.


Early the next morning the male rabbits are back at the school to help set up the new bell tower.

Steady and lift off the cart and put it upright.

Mr Know has the privilege to ring the bell for the first time for the rabbit students start school.

 Mrs Know is the first to arrive and she is delighted to see how the male rabbits have set up the new bell tower.  It sounds different to the hand bell Mrs Know has been using.  Which, by the way,  Mrs Know asks, "Where is the hand bell?" 

The male rabbits look at each other and shake their heads and answer they haven’t touched the hand bell.

 Part two is called The Missing School Hand Bell.


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